Your Own Microcontroller Projects
FangKhao Cake shop, 15/3 Tesabal 6 RD. Tambol Sikhiu, Amphoe Sikhiu, Korat 30140 THAILAND
page provides schematic and software for hobbyists to practice "learn by doing",
build a simple microcontroller projects at home.
Microprocessor / Microcontroller/ DSP Training Kits
AT89C2051 Programmer using Linux terminal Build the 89C2051 programmer for linux users.
Single-Side PCB for Easy-Downloader V1.1 Easy build and small size single side PCB for the 2051 programmer board.
Manipulation of Pure Sine Wave Inverter using ATMEL 89S2051 Didik
Rostyono and Harsono Hadi explain how to produce the sinewave output inverter
using the ATMEL microcontroller! (available only in pdf file (274kB), click
the link to download it)
as RTC updated Realtime Clock with LCD by Ajay Bhargav,
featuring big size number!
V1.0 with 4094 New
design xTimer using CMOS shift register 4094 for driving 7-segment LED directly!
as RTC Realtime Clock with LCD by Ajay Bhargav from India.
saver6 Latest
design night light saver, built with sdcc.
V1.0 4-Channel Timer, 89C4051 + MAX7219 display driver.
Source code with sdcc available now!
Proto Board Layout PCB for experimenting with 89C2051
& AVR uController by M Asim Khan, Pakistan.
Now ezdl4 ! New PC software for Easy-Downloader V1.1 and V2.0. No
problem with unsorted hex file. Automatically detect COM Port and programmer
board. Updated EZ4.1.
V1.1 with SDCC Renovated programmer board with SDCC, complete schematic
and layout with MAX232 for rs232 level converter!
V1.1 Serial interface programmer board for writing
intel HEX file to
the AT89C2051/4051
flash based microcontroller.
New EZ Uploader V3.0 for Window and PCB file are included.
Your Own Single-Side PCB for Easy-Downloader V1.1 I am very
happy with my student, Plermjai(his name means
feel delighted too) Inchuay (his family name
means angel helps him), who provides me his page describing how-to-make a
single side PCB for the Easy V.1.1. So cool! his prototype was made by hand
writing with a pen for making PCB! Available now single side with Protel format.s
Easy Single-Side PCB for Easy-Downloader V1.2 Puiu Chiselita
from Romania provides us a very easy single-side PCB with some modification
for RS232 level converter and indicating LED. Puiu detailes how to make the
board at home and gives some useful trick to making a board easier.
the 2051 with C Programming I provide this page for beginners who
interested in using C and Assembly for the 2051/4051
chips, e.g., driving dot LED, scanning 7-segment and keypad, connecting dump
terminal, stepper motor, SSR, interfacing I2C EEPROM, display driver, calculating
CRC-16, etc.
Light Saver V5.0 I have designed a device that
controls a night light at home. The saver uses 2051 chip and a small
triac. The saver features low-cost, simple installation, no battery backup,
and save energy.
Controller V1.1 The Clock V1.1 provides the same function as the saver
does but with additional 4-digit LED display and 4-key input for setting the
clock and turn on/off AC load. The circuit uses single 2051 chip, and relay
or opto-triac output for driving AC load.
code with sdcc for 8051!
V1.0 Build a laboratory instrument that measures
time and temperature. A 89C4051 interfaces 16x1 line LCD, 3-digit DVM
CA3162 and LM35D precision temperature sensor. This device is capable of providing
0.1C readout.
Real-Time Controller This is my long history home-use-controller that
has been using at my home since 1997. The Miniature Real-time Controller has
a 2051 chip with timer6.asm, an open collector 74LS07 and MAX232 chip. The
scheduler of on/off time for 6-channel output is downloaded via PC.
Follower ROBOT Controlled by 2051 Award
Winner from VINGPEAW Competition 2543 by my student, again, Plermjai Inchuay.
He provides this page describing his robot platform, control circuit
by 2051 chip, black tape sensor, and control program in C. See MPEG file how
the robot tracks the course during competition.
Microcontroller Family
Dash Clock Replacement kit New design with dash clock, super accurate with MEMS resonator.
Nissan Digital Clock 25820 Replacement kit New design replacement kit for Nissan digital clock 25820
Digital pH Meter 8051 based pH meter
Interfacing the 8051 Project Board
with a 12 bit - 4 channel ADC using SPI bus Demonstration project of using SPI port for ADC interfacing
Interfacing the 8051 Project board with sensors and actuators Sample projects for 8051 Project Board
Project board for SST89E516RD microcontroller New design project board for SuperFlash microcontroller.
BASIC-52 CONTROLLER Turn the 8051 kit into a dedicated controller that uses BASIC interpreter
Dual channel digital voltmeter Digital voltmeter with bluetooth
Realtime controller V2.0 New design realtime controller using 89S52 with builtin clock display and keys for time settings.
USB Easy-Downloader V5.0 Modified Easy-downloader V2.0 to provide USB interface.
How to use Flashmagic to program the SST89E516RD Microcontroller Transform the SST89E516RD to NXP89V51RD2 and use Flashmagic to program it.
Test board for SST89E516RD Build a test board for experimenting with EasyIAP, replace the NXP89V51RD2 with SST89E516RD
MCS-51 Propeller LED
AT89Sxx base board STK200 Programmer
Digital Clock Replacement Board for E21 Build a replacement board for BMW E21's digital clock.
Fan Thermostat Build a simple fan thermostat with LM35, ADC0804 and 89C51.
Data Acquisition System with VB Build a data acquisition system with Visual Basic and the 89C51.
89Sxx learning board Build a simple and cheap 89Sxx MCU
learning board by Tahan Prahara, Indonesia.
89C51 PABx Mohammad Shakeel from Pakistan describes how to build a
simple PABx board using the 89C51.
Project Board Simple 89S52 board for student projects.
for Hybrid Power Plant The 89C51 control board for controlling photovoltaic-wind
turbine and diesel engine. Developed by Didik Rostyono from Indonesia.
Thermometer 2nd version of Thermistor Thermometer.
Thermometer Simple thermometer made with NTC thermistor.
Clock with Alarm using DS1307 new design by Ajay Bhargav, best for
student projects.
Flash Microcontroller Programmer V3.7, new hardware and software for
programming 89Sxx and AVR chips. Designed by Mohammad Asim Khan.
8051SBC Brown-out protection, WDT, 20x4 LCD BUS interface.
scope using Nokia 3310 LCD.
89 Series Device Programmer more chips and easy-use devices programmer!
Simple Microcontroller Learning Board Simple hardware for
beginner to learn 8051 microprocontroller, single side pcd with ISP loader
designed by Prahlad Purohit from India.
Cable of Asim's ISP Loader for 89Sxxxx Simple hardware for
code programming new series MCU from ATMEL, 89S51, 89S52, 89S53, 89S8252.
Flash Programmer V3.0a Flash programmer using ISP designed
by M Asim Khan for AVR and 89Sxx series. Updated software!
(recommended for applications)
V3.0 New design data logger board, 64kB T89C51RD2, 4-channal
12-bit ADC, built-in LCD and 128/512kB battery backup memory. New page for
minilogger DC Amplifier for Pyranometer
& GLCD expansion board for 8051SBC Simple circuit for USB
and 128x64 GLDC interface.
the 8051SBC with c51 compiler sample code and startup file
for 8051SBC. Using a popular c51 compiler with monitor program.
V1.0 New generic tool for learning microprocessor. The 8051SBC,
Microprocessor Learning Board. More commands and peripherals. Complete schematic,
PCB layout and firmware are available now.(recommended
for applications)
V3.0 New design the flash programmer board specially for
89C55WD. The lock and erase functions are now implemented and tested.(not
V2.1 Simple modification of Easy programmer V2.0 enables
the 89C55WD to be programmed. The beta version of EZ55.HEX and source code
EZ55.C are available for download.
Asim Khan's Programmer Ver 3.1 Latest M Asim Khan's Programmer
featuring more chips, enhance programming speed, support Window2000/XP.
New target chips, 87C51 and 87C52.
V2.0 with 32KB eeprom boot loader New Microprocesssor
Learning Board for 89C52 CPU with 32KB external eeprom. Modified
PAULMON2 provides program saving and boot loading.
V2.0 The simple programmer for 40-pin AT89C51/52/55. Modified
firmware for free compiler 8051, sdcc. Beta version
for 89S51 and 89S52, a bit hardware modification.
Easy-Downloader V1.1&V2.0 with Unsorted HEX Files Kurnia
Wijaya from Jakarta Indonesia helps me writing the program that sorts the
intel hex file generated by some compilers.
Easy-Downloader V2.0 Connects Host PC Details description
of simple protocol between programmer board and host PC's software.
the AT89S8252 and 89S53 with Easy-Downloader V2.0 Upgraded EZ52
to EZ53.hex enabling the Easy-Downloader to program 89S8252 and 89S53 chips
without any modifications.
Your Own Single-Side PCB for Easy-Downloader V2.0 This work
was contributed by Bruno Macio from Brazil, a single-side PCB for Easy II
with MAX232C for RS232 level converter. For those who use Portuguese may ask
him directly.
Easy Single-Side PCB for Easy-Downloader V2.2 A variant single-side
PCB of Easy V2.0 contributed by Puiu Chiselita from Romania.
Uploader V3.0 Download a window version of EZ
and EZ2, the beta EZ3, automatically connects the Easy-Downloder V1.1
or V2.0 to an available COM1-4 port.
Uploader V3.1 Upgraded EZ3.0 with additional
READ command and SAVE AS Intel-HEX file.
Evaluation Board This board uses 89C52 with a modified 8kB
PAULMON2 monitor program, 32kB SRAM for writing application program.
The C-52 EVB was designed for studying "Assembly and C Language Programming
for Microcontrollers". Latest PCB file included.
EVB Robot Controller Use a C-52 EVB for simple
robot experiments. Build a simple two wheels robot with L293 H-Bridge driver
and IR sensor. Write a C program controls robot tracked with black tape.
V1.0 Build your own a personal data logger having
8-channel analog input -99mV to +999mV with 1mV resolution (CA3162), 3-digit
dual slope integrating converter, battery backup 256kB SRAM, RTC, RS232C,
direct connected internet server for remote data retrieving. Example
circuit and data for measuring Insolation and Air temperature is included.
(not recommended)
MiniLOGGER with Easy-Server V0.9 Run Easy-Server
V0.9 on PC connected to internet gateway enabling remote access the MiniLOGGER.
RS422 Converter for Minilogger Build a simple RS422 converter
for the Minilogger.
Tiny2313 Development Board Easy build AVR Tiny development board.
Student Projects More student projects with AVR at Cornell University
by Bruce R. Land. More 100 project videos and over 50 video lectures.
Line Following Robot Schematic and c source code for building line following
robot by Priyank Patil from India.
Thermometer Build a simple digital thermometer using 20-pin uC, AVR
90S2313 and DS1820. The thermometer is capable of measuring temperature from
-55C to +125C! with 1 degreeC resolution.
the AT90S8535 with CodeVisionAVR C Compiler Build a simple STK200
compatible ISP cable and a simple 90S8535 circuit. Do a simple experiment
with an Evaluation CodeVisionAVR C Compiler.
ISP Header Pin diagram of STK200/STK300. Note for MEGA103 ISP signal.
Cake Timer simple timer built with PIC16F684.
Data Logger 3 Fully functional data logger
Electric window controller cheap device for controlling electric window.
Data Logger 3 Demo version data logger for science experiment in school.
G5 Data logger LBuild the multichannel data logger with 20 bit ADC converter.
Pt100 Handheld thermometer Build the ITS-90 thermometer with PIC18F87J93 PIC LCD and Pt100 sensor. Interfacing varitronix glass LCD with LCD port.
Bluetooth data logger Record one channel temperature and transfer with bluetooth.
4 Channel Pt100 Thermometer Display four channels in 0.1C with Pt100.
Recorder The PIC Solar recorder for daily insolation measurement.
3rd Harmonic Meter The PIC board detects 3rd harmonic distortion
of AC power line.
PIC Project board PIC project board for 40 pins PIC MCU, PIC16F887, PIC18F4520.
Project Board PIC Project board designed for student projects.
PIC Loader ICSP loader using LPT interface for programming
PIC chips in application board.
Programmer for PICs and EEPROMs ezPIC is low cost serial port
programmer for PIC microcontroller and I2C EEPROM.
Terminal Build a simple 9600 BAUD 8n1 terminal for debugging
and testing device having RS232C output. A Microchip PIC16F84 connects a 16x1
line LCD for displaying ASCII code received from a device being tested.
No longer need an expensive notebook to connect factory's equipment just to
see why it is not properly functioning. The battery supply provides galvanic
isolation from hazardous factory's power system. Thanks
to M Asim Khan from Pakistan for providing this project.
Before start build PIC circuit, one should build this circuit first, a simple
serial writer for PIC16F84 chip. The circuit is so simple and easy-to-build.
The writer works with Nigel WPicProg16 and easily connecting to PCW PIC C
Light Saver V3.2 Now it's time for Microchip PIC12C508 8-pin Microcontroller.
The saver turns a night light on and off with preset time, no battery backup,
easy installation.(not recommended)
Miniature Real-Time Controller A PIC16F84 runs with 32 kHz low power
x-tal having 6-output. A preset on/off each channel with current time is resided
for applications)
68HC11, 68000, 68HC08
code for Interfacing Devantech CMPS03 to the Motorola 68HC11.
Switch V1.0 New weekly scheduler made by 68HC908QY4 with kaypad
and 16x1 line LCD! (not recommended)
Distance Meter Simple device for measuring distance while riding
bicycle. The 16-pin Nitron chip interfaces 16x1 line LCD!
FAN Timer Simple circuit with 16-pin Nitron chip 68HC908, easy
analog setting, source code with ICC08. New s-record
for 8-pin 68HC908QT2!
Build a 32-bit computing power single board with 68HC000, 256kB SRAM, 256kB
Flash, RTC, UART, and GPIO.
Evaluation Board Build a low-cost evaluation board for
Motorola 68HC11. Downloadable BUFFALO V3.4 to 32kB SRAM for learning
Assembly programming and 68HC11's architecture.
smaller than C188 but more powerful 16-bit data bus built with 80C186EB.
Build a generic microprocessor learning board, 16-bit single board built with
embedded microprocessor Intel 80C188EB.
- JavaBot
Build a cheap and smart line follower robot using analog comparator and
IR sensor.
Supervisory Circuits & Designer's Companion
Microcontrollers Experiment
Connecting iBook with PC using Ethernet Transfer files from iBook to PC using Ethernet easily.
Server Build the embedded device server with XPort.
Solar Server Build the solar station for insolation measurement with Ubuntu server 7.10 and a 24-bit Delta-sigma converter.
Automation Over Internet Control home appliances over Internet
by 8051 hardware and PC server by Ajay Bhargav.
Energy Meter Turn 8051SBC to be a dedicated instrument for measuring
AC energy when sunshine.
using Easy-Server V0.9 Experiment the microcontroller with internet
server. The Easy-Server provides simple means for connecting microcontroller
through a 9600 8n1 serial interfacing. Exemplary circuit using PIC16F84 for
REMOTE RS232 and experiment description were included.
GNU Proload 2.0 Loader software for Easy-downloader using with linux.
New Program and firmware for SUNROM Programmer by Majid
Mahmoud Pour Eftekhari Foumani from Iran.
Single-side PCB in Protel v2.8 for Atmel 89 Series Device Programmer by Vasyl
Pawluk from Ukraine
Single-side PCB for Easy-Downloader V1.3 by Dr.Homayoun
Daneshgar M.D.
Patched ez.exe for Easy-Downloader 89C2051/4051 by Marcelo
Vranici from Argentina.
Modification of Easy-Downloader for running under Linux. The work has contributed
by Amish Vishwakarma, embedded designer from India. Amish detailed how to
implement it by his message 1, 2.
Simple audio signal tester use a washing machine's buzzer for making the simple signal tester.
+/-5A Voltage Controlled Current Source Using power opamp to provide +/-5A for CT testing.
to Current Converter Simple circuit that enables long cable
wiring for pyranometer. Built with TI rail-to-rail opamp, TLV2451.
Voltage and Current Source A small circuit provides +2.5V, 0
to +2.5V and 0 to 250uA DC source. The circuit built with TI LinCMOS, TLC254A.
for Soft-Start Module Simple circuit that reduces surge current
on start of an induction motor.
New |89C2051/4051 | 8051 Family
| AVR | PIC | Motorola
| Intel x86 | I/O Circuits | PC
| Top
Updated: September 2024
Copyright (C) 2001-2024 by Wichit
Sirichote All Rights Reserved. Reproduction of all or part of this
work is permitted for
educational or research use only, provided that this copyright notice is included
in any copy.